Our Clients


We have Clients from a lot of countries of the world. One day we will place here a map of the world where all the countries of origin of our Clients will be marked. Fortunately, there will not be many unmarked places there. But we're pretty sure - one day we will find Clients even in Antarctica.


The business of our Clients is always very interesting for us. Production of oil-processing equipment, distribution of electric equipment, professional marketing services, hotel or restaurant business and a lot of other interesting fields of business - thanks to our Clients for this opportunity to become an important part of their success.


We are sure that the success of our Clients is the best proof of our words and you can read more in their letters of recommendation which we can provide you on request (because of confidentiality matters).


We specialize in support of the foreign business. Our employees are fluent at least in one foreign language (English). Many of them speak two or more foreign languages (f.e. Spanish). We know the specifics of the foreign business and successfully apply this knowledge for the benefit of our Clients.


Do we work with Russian Clients? Sure we do! Do we believe that we are the best choice for the foreign business in Russia? BEYOND ALL QUESTIONS!


